23 Sept 2012

INFOGRAPHIC: Twitter, Facebook And Your Online Security

By Lauren Dugan at Media Bistro:
How safe are you when tweeting or posting a message to Facebook? You might think you’re protecting your privacy by logging out after every session, but, as this infographic shows, there are multiple aspects to keeping yourself safe and secure online.

For starters, you should never access Twitter or Facebook (or any other site that stores personal information) using an insecure connection – your URL should always start with “HTTPS://”. If you’re unsure of how to set up secure browsing on Twitter or Facebook, check out the links in the infographic.
And a big part of how safe you are online is your password. The author of this infographic recommends using a 12-character, random password – that is, don’t use dictionary words, names, or birthdates. It might be harder to remember, but it will keep you safer from hackers.
It’s also a good idea to double check which apps you’ve given permission to. Third-party apps on both Facebook and Twitter can access things like your full name, pictures, GPS location and more.

Secure and Hack your Facebook and Twitte (English)
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  1. Thank you very much for sharing such remarkable information! Truly, it’s very important to have our information secured. Nowadays, there are a lot who resort to hacking into other social media profiles in order to scam, which is why I always use Microsoft essentials for my computer. Also, I always see to it that the website that I’m browsing is secured (HTTPS).

  2. My friends were complaining about hackers that ruin other sites and it’s good timing that I stumbled on your blog. I’ll share this with them since what you’ve shared can help them a lot. At the same time, I was able to benefit from the info here, and I’ll be on the watch for content that might compromise my site’s security. Thanks for this. :)

    + Kristofer Mcginty +
